Creatrix Codes
Self Trust, Dream Big, Embody, Receive
Gateway 3 :: Queen Codes
Now is the time to take everything in your inner world & alchemize it into your outer reality. The Queen is here to give you permission to work big magic into your big reality!
The QUEEN Codes E-Book
Creatrix Keycode Activation 3
Envisioning into Embodiment

Bonus Materials
Embodiment Codes
If you’re still seeing resistance in your Temple.. do this!
Embodiment Keycodes
Whats next?
Here we are love, at the end of gateway 3
Now, I invite you to integrate + do the work we discussed in this module.
Share your thoughts + revelations in our group chat.
We will meet in our next Live ritual call to dig deeper!
Big Love,
Taraney Nicole