Creatrix Codes
Self Trust, Dream Big, Embody, Receive
Gateway 4 :: Enchantress Codes
The art of feminine receiving!
In this final gateway, we will be working with the artform I call, the Blessings Way. This expansion comes from when we are in the juice of holy harmony ~ completely open to receiving our great gifts.
The Enchantress Codes E-Book
Creatrix Keycode Activation 4
Transmission on Abundance Consciousness
The Blessings Way Ritual
Begin with setting up an abundance altar for your experience.
There is not music added to this audio, so that you may choose your own sound track to support your receptivity of the blessings you’re calling in.

Bonus Materials
Feminine & Masculine Balance
Embodiment Practice
Receptivity Meditation
Circle back to this practice from gateway 1 to explore new levels of growth + expansion in your ability to receive richness.
Whats next?
Here we are love, at the end of gateway 4
Now, I invite you to integrate + do the work we discussed in this module.
Share your thoughts + revelations in our group chat.
We will meet in our next Live ritual call to dig deeper!
Big Love,
Taraney Nicole