Embody your feminine magnetism & become the wildest woman of your dreams ~

Feminine Healing, Sacred Sexuality, Organic Feminine Business, & Devotional Womanhood

“Taraney takes women from the self—SABOTEUR to the ALCHEMIST of their lives. Her devotion is unparalleled.”
Feminine Healing
Zaia Bird
Oracle, Spiritual Mentor
“Working with Taraney is a sure way to quantum leap into your healing journey. I have witnessed first hand the powerful medicine this angel of a woman gives. Since our work together, I have been more connected to my feminine expression, and I have become confident in who I am and in the decisions I am making. If you have the chance to work with her, know she is going to get you where you desire to be”
Mentor for women
Somatic Healer

The two worlds of my work…

✾ Sacred Feminine Healing

✾ Organic Feminine Business

How to heal your feminine energy?

Mentorship Offerings


A 3 – 6 Month Commitment
2 75minute Somatic Coaching Sessions / month
1 30-minute check-in calls / month
Lifetime Access to The Vessel

If you’re ready to cultivate a deeper, more meaningful connection with your feminine essence, a feminine Mentorship journey will hold you exquisitely. Your sense of self worth, value, purpose – all of it begins with your relationship to yourself. Often times in order to find the power of who you are, you must authentically heal all that blocks your power in the first place. 

In my bespoke mentorship containers, I walk you through my methodology; The Arc of Feminine Transformation. Our devotion will pour into the four foundations of your life, your pleasure, your power, your prosperity, & your divine purpose. Each call will be a balance of coaching / consulting, and deep somatic feminine healing. 

With the Sacred Feminine Art’s of Tantra & Somatics, we will literally rewire your sense of self from the inside out – beginning with your energy, and then moving into your body & mind connection. The transformation is quantum, and will only lead you to deep fulfillment in who you are + why you came here.


A Four and/or Six Month Commitment
Twelve 75minute business consulting & mastermind sessions 

This is for the babes who are ready do business in a way that aligns with their feminine design. I believe women excel when we cultivate our businesses in a way is unique to our desires, needs, & boundaries. The current status quo of business, especially for coaches & medicine women can feel suffocating as it asks you to fit into a mold, & track others success to find your own. I want you to stop preforming, & start leading.

In my Organic Feminine Business Mentorship, I say enough to outsourcing your inspiration & validation. This will direct us to create a strategy / business plan that feels sustainable & nurturing for your feminine. 

There is unparalleled value in building your marketing strategy to genuinely resonates with your feminine design. I specialize in SEO + Content Creation for feminine businesses that will allow you to build a true voice for your soul work amongst platforms like Pinterest, to YouTube, and Instagram. 


One 75minute Session. 
No application needed, book here

Somatically move through the Arc of Transformation with me. It all begins with your intention, & from there we let your body lead, heal, & process everything she needs to reach fulfillment.

Cultivate confidence in the woman you’re becoming ~ from the inside, out

About Taraney

As a mentor for women, Taraney is devoted to the four main areas of all women’s lives, your pleasure, power, prosperity, & purpose. In working with these four domains we can identify the core wounds that hold you back, & what is needed for you to embody your potential. Devotional Womanhood is about embracing your most opulent, ozzey feminine expression in all areas of your life. Taraney has 10+ years of studying vibrational medicine, yogic and tantric philosophy, feminine embodiment, as well as the nervous system & somatic healing – all of which informs her work with women. As a student of life, she is devoted to sharing what has healed and lead her; knowing that to not share this work would be a disservice to life itself. Ode to Feminine Healing ~

Taraney Nicole

Private Mentorship

Questions & Answers

Each session is different; depending on your needs, desires, & big visions for life, we will craft your mentorship journey to first and foremost serve those needs. Sessions typically weave through the Arc of Feminine Transformation, and incorporate a hybrid of coaching + embodiment practices.  

  • Devotional Coaching : Let’s look at your blind spots. These are moments when we lay all the cards out on the table & coach your mind through the breakthroughs that you need in order to embrace the bigness of your feminine soul. 
  • Embodiment practices : Breath, sound, movement, dance, vocal expression, tantric practices, & the sacred feminine arts move through every single session. This is where your emotional intelligence begins to change, & your mind learns to follow that freedom. 

Business Mentorship is a big, beautiful experience that is designed to stretch your vision of what your capabilities are! We meet those edges, and the create real strategies to get you there without compromising your feminine design. 

In the world of business, sustainability is key for women. This looks like aligning your marketing practices, outlets, and content to align with the foundation of your purpose. 

I LOVE helping women get out of the matrix of copying what others do, and rather find the value in their own unique way of navigating business, sales, and lead generation. 

With every client I am going to help you create a strategy that starts with SEO, search engine optimization. We then will look at your key outlets for marketing, whether that be Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Facebook… we will define where your people are & create content that connects you with them organically. 

Some of the topics we explore are ::

  • Self sourcing your value & self worth 
  • Cultivating confidence through consistency & self intimacy
  • Ending patterns of seeking validation from outside of yourself, people pleasing, & dropping your power.
  • Amplifying your feminine magnetism & expression 
  • Distilling your gifts, purpose, & source of prosperity in life. 
  • Connecting to your intuition and oracular gifts as a woman
  • Healing your feminine energy and her core wounds
  • Expanding your capacity to receive love, intimacy, & soul-ravishing connections in life

Taraney is a survivor herself, and understands the intricate nature of sexual trauma as it relates to confidence, power, and a woman’s ability to feel her pleasure. 

Taraney is not a licensed therapist or counselor, nor is she a medical professional. With this being said, working with her is not a source of therapy. 

In your application please share with her if you are a survivor, and during your connection call, she will ask to know about your story and where you are within your healing journey, post trauma. She may ask you to consult with your therapist to see if mentorship is the right path for you at this time. Oftentimes women will work with her in tandem with counselors and therapists; which works very well.

There is wonderful a prosperity that come from allowing someone you respect into the most intimate places of your life.

That is what mentorship is about… letting someone you admire in to guide you to who you wish to become.

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