Stay Home & Be


For the first time the entire world is paused.
People all around our planet are staying home in order to best protect our species from COVID-19.
Although this is an unfortunate event, I am a firm believer that we have the power to make the most of this situation! For many of us, this is a gift to slow down and just be. For me, I see this time as an invitation to get a little lighter and realign with my heart, so that while this is all going on, and for whatever is to come after, I can be my highest, most compassionate self.

I know it is easy to get bored being at home every single day. Whether you are fortunate enough or not to still be working, being stuck in your house can be a blessing if you allow it. Slowing down can be hard for some.. this society has raised us to go, go, go out of the obligation to build this world. Now that we have been put into a situation where going out poses the risk to others, slowing down is a must. It is a offering for your own health, and the health of our human species.
I have put together this sacred guide to staying home & holding space to just be, so that you have some new ideas and opportunities to do activities that enrich your soul!

To go along with this blog post, I have made a special playlist for you all!! I hope these songs bring enjoyment into your days spent at home!



Build a Morning Ritual

Now may just be the absolute best time to begin a daily morning ritual. As you are dwelling at home, beginning your day in a way that is meaningful will add more resilience to your day. When we begin a morning practice, it energetically says to the world that we put ourself first before the rest of the world because our happiness is our number one priority.

A morning ritual is a simple practice that you do daily to empower your mental and spiritual health. This looks different for all of us. Most people think you have to do devote an hour every morning in order to have successful morning ritual, but this my dear is not true.
Taking just 10-15 minutes every morning to honor yourself will greatly impact the flow of your day. Do what you can and watch the magic unfold.

Morning rituals look unique to each of us.
For some people a morning ritual is journaling, doing some yoga, and having a quiet morning tea. While others choose to go on a run, do a guided meditation, or read a chapter of a book. A morning ritual is less of what you do, and more about simply showing up for yourself & being devoted to it!


Read a Good Book

We all have a collection of half read books, or perhaps one that we have been meaning to read. This is an invitation to pick up that book and start digging in. One of my favorite things to do is set aside an entire afternoon to read.

Make yourself a nourishing warm drink, set up a cozy corner for yourself, turn your phone off, and start reading. I think we can all agree that in order to truly dive into a book we need to remove all distractions. Give yourself permission to enjoy reading your book all afternoon. If you can read one cover to cover, more power to you! You and your brain deserve this! Feel free to share what you’re currently reading in our comments!


Do Some Spring Cleaning

This whole great mystery known as the Covid-19 times just so happened to land on the Spring Equinox. For me, I saw this a divine time of collective purging and cleansing. I am sure at this point, most of us have cleaned our house multiple times… lol.

When I say spring cleaning, I am inviting you to take it deeper.
Maybe for you this means decluttering, getting rid of old things that aren’t adding true value to your home. Dust those long forgotten corners, and clean the window ceils. Clean out your closet to donate old clothes. Now is a good time to just let go.

Perhaps once you have done all of that, you can do some energy healing on your home. Open all the windows and doors of your house. Use your smoke medicine like Sage, Lavender, Rosemary, or even Juniper and go through every rooms to cleanse the energy. Speak to the walls, the doors, the hallways that all old energy is to leave now. Invite spirits who no longer serve the highest energy of your home leave and go to the light. Be sure to get the corners of all rooms as stagnant energy dwells here. Another thing I love to do when clearing then energy of my home is putting crystals in all the corners of my home. In every room, I personally place selenite in the corners. This helps the energy stay clear and purified.


take an Online Yoga or Meditation Class

Gyms and studios all around the world are forced to close right now.
For many of us this is a major shift to our everyday life. Movement is essential for of physical and mental health. Going days without working out or taking a yoga class creates stagnation and ultimately low energy. Since our beloved studios have been asked to closed their doors, they have awakened a new possibility of taking their classes online.

The main place I have been tuning into online yoga classes and meditations is Instagram & Gaia TV. Teachers from all around the world are teaching their classes online mainly from Facebook and Instagram. This has made following a yoga class possible at anytime of the day, as well as the opportunity to find new teachers. The same goes for meditation teachers and sound healers. I invite you to go explore and take some IG Yoga and meditation classes. Consider donating to teachers whose you enjoyed, as many of them are out of work at this time.


Have an Ecstatic Dance Party

Sometime you just have to dance.
This type of movement is sacred in that way that it guides you to let go & just be.
Listening to your favorite artist, allowing yourself to get lost in the beats and lyrics has come to be the best healer of our times.

Allow yourself to fade into your favorite song and open your heart. Drift onto weightlessness and welcome yourself to be carried by the chorus. Shake, sing, jump, move with fluidity! Let your body release through the pleasure that is all for you my love!

I am excited to share a special exclusive set that my boyfriend made for Ecstatic Dance a few years back! The theme of this set is Be Free. I invite you to set aside an hour or so to get lost in the magic of these songs. Allow yourself to follow the rhythm & let loose! If you like the set consider following DASHR’S work. He is one of my favorite musicians and his music speaks wonders to our world. Follow DASHR here!




Get Creative

Creativity is another thing that lays dormant in most humans.
Most people consider themselves to not be artistic or that they are unable to create. If you’re one of those folks, now is the perfect to prove yourself wrong.

There are plenty of creative endeavors you can explore at this time. A few I recommend are painting, making collages, take photos, and draw. You could even do some DIY projects for your house like build a self or alter!

Our creativity is invoked through our sacral and solar plexus chakras. When we allow ourselves to build something meaningful and fun it bring tremendous healing for our mind, body, and spirit.

Earthney Energy

Take an Herbal Healing bath

Bath’s are my absolute favorite herbal medicine.
Soaking in a bath brings calmness into the nervous system, nourishes the skin, and eases the mind. You can add herbs and salts into your bath to enhances its healing abilities. As we are going through a hard time globally right now I recommend takings salt baths with oats, lavender, rosemary, and sage. You can intuitively create your own recipe, or find some online. Our skin soaks up the medicinal elements of the water and carries it straight into the nervous system. If you are unsure about your water quality you can add some bentonite clay or borax into the water to remove toxicity.

While taking the bath, allow this to be its own ritual. Put away your phone, laptop or any other draining distraction, and instead get yourself a good book or journal. Simply meditating is the best thing you can do. Meditation opens the doors for self healing, and your mind can shut of and just be.


Be with the Earth

This is a time of grounding… settling down.
Nothing on this Earth knows how to just be better than a tree.

Go outside in your back yard or a nearby park and just allow yourself to sit on the Earth. Talk to the land – ask it for guidance. Invite the Earth to cleanse you of any unwanted fear or density. This is the best way you can offer yourself healing, always.


Learn Something New

I’ve said it to almost everyone I know, NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST IN YOURSELF.

There are over 400 Ivy league schools offering free online courses right now. The topics are amazing, and this is truly a once in a lifetime chance! Find a course here!

Other ways you can invest in yourself right now is by reading, trying something new like building a blog or website. I also encourage you to take online classes! Artists, herbalists, teachers of all kind have classes online that you can purchase.


Let Go of an Old Habit

Yep… Now is the time to do it.
Almost all humans have something that they are addicted to. For me that has recently become coffee, and for you that might be drugs, or even eating poor foods. Now is a divine time to take a look at your life and decide what needs to go. I am personally doing that and it feels really good.

Some things to be aware of right now that could be a harmful way to spend your time would be scrolling on social media, drinking alcohol too often, smoking, sleeping too much, playing an excess of video games, and definitely watching the news.

Be wise on how you spend your time, as what you put your energy towards right now with offer you so much abundance in the months ahead!


This is truly a divine time to be alive.
The grief is real… we all feel it. I am sending you special blessings at this time. May you stay protected and build true health.

It is my greatest prayer that you enjoy this guide to staying home! I hope that it offers you some much needed positive activities to add to your day. Please let me know in the comments what you enjoyed doing!!! Something I highly recommend is creating a special At Home Retreat Day! Check out this Youtube video I made on designing your own retreat day in the temple of your home!

Personally, I am taking this time to build bigger and better healing opportunities for us all! Stay updated on my Instagram page to learn what classes and workshops I am holding online at this time!

Big Love to you all,

Taraney Nicole, Earthney Energy

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