Don’t doubt the calling, reach out to that old friend, give yourself permission to go to that event. You will not regret it… if you do some more change is needed.

Aquarius does enjoy community and can be a social butterfly, it is also important to step time focusing on your individual self.
Now is the time to go against all those limiting beliefs & take that leap of faith in yourself!
There is a certain vibe in the air. It will feel different for us all, as it serves us all in our own ways. Nonetheless, carefully weigh your options and always go with what resonates with your heart the most. This is a good time of positive change. Aquarius grants us the graceful energy of new and progressive thoughts. Take special time to envision your future and gather all the understanding that is needed to follow your hearts desire.
Because this Full Moon is a time of high vibrational transformation, I put together some journal questions for you all to work with! Journaling is a lovely way to explore your mind and get everything right. Use these as a tools to take your experience of this Full Moon that much deeper, and see what medicine it has for you.
- What changes need to be made in your social life to better serve your goals?
- What is something you have been wanting to do for a long time, but have been doubting your ability to fulfill it? Now create an action plan to do it!
- If there are specific areas of your life that need to be refreshed, what can you let go of to let more good in?
- What part of the past is holding you back?
It is my greatest goal to provide potent spiritual medicine for you all. As always, take what you resonate with, and leave the rest. The energy that you feed into this moon, is the energy you get out. So please, do something special for yourself; do something out of the ordinary! You will be grateful for the leaps of faith you take at this time.
With love & respect,
Taraney Nicole