Hello Darling, in my past article, we talked about starting your very own feminine at-home retreat and dedicating an entire day to honor yourself with spiritually centered self care. This is all about awakening and fully coming into your heart to find your own resonance as soon as you awake in the morning. The practice of sacred self care involves getting to know yourself in a much more intimate way and evoking what’s deep within you. 

As women, we tend to push ourselves and disassociate from our own body, our mind, and our spirit. But it’s so important to take time to be with ourselves, feel the sensations, listen to her temple, and serve her so we can live a juicy life. The way we’ve been living for so long – being in a male dominated world and all the hustle mentality, it’s made us so desensitized and created a huge disconnection with ourselves and our true calling. And we need to call our feminine essence back and relearn what it means to be feminine. 

The embodied woman shows up for herself and tunes in. In sharing with you how to create an at-home retreat day for yourself, this brings you a step closer to connecting to your own feminine embodiment and waking up to your personal power. The more we listen and come back to our bodies, we can better understand: What makes me feel divine? What do I need to heal to move forward? What is aligned for me?  

In tapping out of the outside world for a day and experimenting with welcoming in that self love, it can spark something for you, allowing you to have your own personal ritual that really speaks to you and you alone. 

So finally, what I want to share with you is how you can make the most of your sacred day. You already know how to prepare, how to get started, and now what you’re going to do is fill up your day by adding in your favorite things to do. Whatever makes you feel incredible. This is YOUR day so you get to decide which activities will make you feel like a queen.

Here are some spiritual self care ideas:

Making yourself some lovely meals

  • Plan out your meals in a way that will really enrich the experience – this can be giving yourself your favorite foods or taking in nourishing food that makes you feel like a goddess
  • Starting with a nourishing, substantial breakfast can really set up your day to feel energized and hold that space throughout the day with all of your meals

Build your own altar – adorn it

  • Add flowers, change up your crystals and make sure you cleanse it and really set it up for vibrant energy
  • After your altar is adorned, then turn on some music and just dance – feel into the movements
  • You’ll notice this will definitely hold a lot of sacred energy for you in your day to day life

Do an at-home facial with an herbal face mask

  • Get yourself some bentonite clay or some green clay and then steam some herbs (I like lavender)
  • There’s plenty of recipes that you could find but you really want to prep or print out these recipes before your home retreat day because you don’t want to be on your phone. Stay inclusive to your own experience

Pamper yourself with a foot soak

  • Soak your feet with epsom salts and enjoy relaxing
  • Add in some beautiful herbs
  • After your feet are cleansed and soaked, do your toenails

Oil and massage your gorgeous body

  • Try guasha massage
  • Detox your pores and your lymphs

Activate your voice

  • Sing or hum
  • Be as loud as you want, allowing yourself to come into a song and invoke your whole home with this vibration of your voice
  • Add in a drumbeat, an instrument or a rattle and find the flow

Open all the windows in your home

  • Allow the energy of the outside world and fresh air to come in  
  • Feel the breeze – breathe it in
  • Listen to nature

Read captivating words

  • Pick out a few books that you’ve been dying to dive into and create space for yourself
  • Set out just two to three hours, enriching yourself & allowing yourself to gain new knowledge that can invoke a higher sense of priestess energy into your life
  • This is one of the biggest self care practices that you can do for your mind, body and spirit

The amazing thing is, while you’re doing all these different practices, you’re going to be peeling layers away that were hidden from you because you were so busy going, going, going, connecting, connecting, connecting with other people that you didn’t have time to fully come back to your own body and find your own resonance. But now is your chance, beautiful!

Do you feel ready to turn it up a notch and do this retreat for yourself now? I would love to hear how it goes! This sacred retreat is such a beautiful way to honor your life…I am sending you all the best of love & good energy.

Hope these posts have helped you create an abundant experience for yourselves! Maybe this glorious day even encourages you to keep up the practice of sacred self care. 🌹

With love, Taraney

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