Gateway 2: The Womb as a Living Altar
The womb begins all that flows through our life.
The womb is the apex of our human experience.
When we devote energy towards caring for our womb space, everything changes! Through purification & restructuring, we can consciously rewrite our womb story in its authentic, highest vibration.
The Womb as a Living Altar E-book
Womb Awakening
Video Highlights
- Coexist with your total self
- The medicine of acceptance
- Trauma + pleasure dance
- Wise choices make a wise womb
- The wombs altar energy
Womb Purification Rituals
Video Highlights
- Yoni steams
- Movement medicine
- Womb massage
- Tender, love, & care for our rebirth
- Helping her help you
- Voice & Womb coherence
Womb Reconstruction
Video Highlights
- The womb space of no-thing
- Rebirth through you intentions
- Embodying your desires
- The sacred nature of your desires
- Knowing your womb energy
- Her power
Video Highlights
- The richness of connecting to our yoni, and what she has to offer
- Our pelvic floor and how working with her supports our entire life
- How to work with Yoni Eggs
- The world of yoni crystals and how to choose the best one for you
- De-armoring and how to practice it
What do you wish feel in your womb space?
As we purify & cleanse, it is important to be intentional of all that you are wishing in & out of your womb space.
This is your sacred center ~ the apex of your be-ing.
The more intentional & concise you can be with your desires, the more clear they can manifest. So each time you engage in these purification rituals, be wise with what you are removing + inviting in. There is always more time for rituals that address other needs, so take each be devotional with tender love & care.
A guided journey to build the altar of your womb space.
Listen to the guided journey
Yoni Egg Crystal Practice
Listen to the guided journey
Connecting deeper with your menstrual/moon cycle
Last month we explored the phases of our menstrual cycle + the moon magic that flows with it! In this month, with the purification of your womb space, I invite you to take your cycle to a deeper level of connection.
Set intention with her.
Let her know you see her magic.
Continue with tracking your cycle with the moon phases, but this time, set intentions for your bleed. When you are in your luteal phase, just about you begin bleeding, speak to your womb and let her know what you wish to shed.
As her, what needs to be let go of, so that my womb can hold the most heavenly frequency for my highest alignment.
Listen to her & set intentions to release.
While you bleed this month, journal every day, and notice what messages come to you. Devote this time to be more sacred this month, maybe do something exceptionally kind for her! The first three days we bleed are the most spiritual days in our cycle. The veil becomes thinner, and we are better able to access your sacred guidance.
Sacred Playwork
Playwork is your opportunity to dig deeper into this magic & explore your body as a sacred temple!
Playlist of the month :: Womb Altar
One of our purification rituals for this gateway is movement!
Put on this playlist & alway yourself to just dance!
Self Love Date Night
Yes, Queen, you deserve this.
Self-love date nights changed my life forever, & are ultimate what cures my co-dependency addiction. Holding devoted time & space for our self-healing through alone time is so magical! Pick out one night this month do have as your self-love date night, schedule it in, & hold yourself to it!
Begin with setting the vibe.
Maybe let the people in your life know that you are doing this, so they know not to disturb you… if you can have the house to yourself, even better!
Put on some music, something you love, & ease into this time for yourself.
Practice a womb healing ritual, perhaps a yoni steam, or even a womb massage. Ground yourself into your womb altar, & take your time.
Make some gorgeous food.
Nourishment is key here, if you’re craving something, give it to her, but try to make it rich for her full mind, body, & spirit. Eat something that makes you feel like a queen!
This is your time to completely let loose! Shake it out, have some fun, & celebrate all that you are!
Warm Oil Body Massage
You have now completed the Womb as a Living Altar Gateway!
You are invited to share your healing experiences with our sisterhood. Our voxer group chat is the sacred space where we can dig deeper & practice the magic of using our voice.
When you speak your truth, it gives all of our other sisters to do the same – this is where we can step into our power!
Also, please remember you are welcome to connect with me 1:1 on voxer! I would love to know how this month’s practices are supporting you, and how we can dig deeper for your personal journey!
Questions to ponder on:
What do I love or dislike about my womb story?
What is my favorite part of my womb space?
How does my womb story positively impact my life?
What are my intentions of purifying my yoni?
How can I better honor my womb?
Be sure to dive all the way through our e-book! There are some amazing bonus practices & worksheeta!
Looking forward to connecting with you in our next group call on Jan 10th!
Big Love,
Taraney Nicole