Welcome, beauty.
A Vibrational Medicine Woman, WOMB PRIESTESS, & Embodiment Educator
“Taraney takes women from the self—SABOTEUR to the ALCHEMIST of their lives. Her devotion is unparalleled.”
-Zaia the Oracle

Feminine Healing is all about finding the strength in your softness.
My work is devoted to alchemizing your sense of self –
Leading you home to your whole & holy womanhood is my focus.
Through TANTRA + SOMATIC HEALING we break cycles, so that you can feel the depth our your feminine power, pleasure, & purpose.
Feminine Mentorship
Are are ready to expand your capacity, while also embracing the sweetness of your sacred feminine energy?
How in-touch are you with your potential?
How ready are you to embody it?
Devoting yourself to an experience where you feel safe enough to lay all your cards out on the table, and have the genuine support you need is a profound gift that will radically up-level your life. This is the experiences of letting someone you respect into your world. Allowing them to see your blind spots… to feel your power… and to help your integrate your purpose.
As a trauma-informed healer, I look deeply into the narratives you hold around your past + present reality. I see your potential, and I am simply here to reflect it back to you over & over again.
Let’s Rebirth your Feminine Expression
On Tantric Womb Healing – discover the art of being a woman, and how to gently open your feminine body to the ecstasy of life.
Sacred Feminine Wisdom
Blog Posts & Articles for women who seek to deepen with the Sacred Feminine

How to Embody the Elemental Priestess
The Elemental Priestess is the archetype of the feminine who lives fully in relationship with these living masters. She knows how to slow down and listen to the silent wisdom that weave through every moment. It is this archetype that supports women as they walk the Priestess Path. Because without the elements, the path of feminine healing can feel formless. The difference is like wandering aimlessly versus walking with devotion.

How to heal your bodies relationship to pleasure as a woman
Feminine Pleasure. There are too many causes that have lead women to fear their own pleasure, let alone the power that it will bring them. You can change that.

The Feminine Essence and Choosing to Trust Yourself as a Woman
What is the Feminine Essence, and how can you heal your feminine for personal power? This is about a woman’s way of learning to trust herself.

Way of the Rose
The Sacred Feminine & Rose Medicine For me personally, The Rose is my greatest teacher. She is my guide, my inspiration, and of course my muse. The