Priestess & The Pearl

Heal your sexuality, connect to your womb, and devote yourself to inner beauty

What are the sacred feminine arts?

A five week cohort devoted to the Sacred Feminine Art’s

The Priestess & The Pearl is devoted to teaching women about their inner pearl – the divine feminine essence that cultivates a woman’s radiance. Through learning the art of ceremony, ritual, sacred sisterhood, and vibrational medicine you’ll deepen intimacy with your pearlescent essence. This is what naturally invokes harmony within your sense of prosperity as a woman, as well as your confidence.

In this intimate cohort you will learn the art of womb healing in both your sensual/sexual expression, as well as your fertility, generational healing, and how to work with your womb as the creatress

Enrollment Is Open Until July 19th

The celestial pathway of venus over her 8 year cycle

Ask Your Body & Join Us

Priestess & The Pearl takes place from
July 19th – August 16th

Do you know what makes a woman radiate beauty?

Have you ever experienced a woman who walks into a room and effortlessly draws your attention?

She commands the room & takes up her fair share of space.

There is something about her that you can’t put your finger on… it’s not her body or her outfit that is drawing you in… it’s her glow. How did she get it?

When we witness a woman like this we must ask ourselves, what makes her radiant? Is it her diet, her lifestyle, or is it her relationship to herself? Who is she?

This is something that I have been studying extensively! 

What I have uncovered is that it’s not a woman’s wealth, clothes, or lifestyle that make her magnetic. It is her relationship to life and more importantly how she treats herself. We call this The Beauty Way.

Nothing changes a woman more than tending to her womb and the relationship she has with her very own life. This cannot be done through journaling or hiring a coach. This is a path of devotion and deep healing.

What makes a woman radiate beauty comes from how safe she feels in her own life. This is related to her body, her community, her visions, her purpose, how prosperous she feels, and most importantly the depth of connection she has with her feminine soul. From the inside out she radiates beauty because deep within her, she knows that it is safe to be a radiant woman who glows love everywhere she goes. 

The more safe you feel, the more connected to life you are, and the more life starts working for you. Dream opportunities show up, love finds you, your soul family circles to support you, you take leaps of faith towards your heart’s calling; everything in life becomes that much easier because you TRUST.

This is the work of the Priestess, and your inner beauty is the Pearl.

This cohort is a space where you get to unravel your inner beauty through devotion, sisterhood, guidance, and the Priestess Art’s

Read Women’s Stories

Priestess & The Pearl is about…

Deep womb healing.
Embracing your sensuality.
Feeling your soft power everyday.
Holding space for your feminine.
Healing your relationship to the masculine.
Learning sacred sexuality & tantra.
Cultivating beauty through the Sacred Feminine Art’s, ceremony, ritual, and prayer.

The Cohort

Can you feel The Priestess calling you home to yourself?

Priestess & The Pearl is a cohort, a group of women coming together to discover the Sacred Feminine Art’s through sisterhood. 

For five weeks we will weave together as we explore the mysteries of the feminine, practice her rituals, and share our heart’s with one another. 

There is significant value in being a in container with other powerful women that you respect and admire. As you devote yourself to a new embodiment and/or expression of yourself, this group will hold you and guide you to become the radiant Priestess you are deep within. We get to see one another in a unique way. You will get feedback that can only take place in an intimate setting with women who are on the same level of self discovery as you are. Showing up week after week for yourself in a group setting is transformational.

In this cohort you will be asked to share your heart, to allow us to hold you and support you as you find your Inner Pearl. Each week we will gather for a 90 minute call where Taraney will teach a transmission. The second half of each call will be a Q&A and a group discussion to dive deeper into that weeks material, and how it lands in your life. We will do practices and activation together, so that everything we discuss truly lands in our bodies.

Each call will be recorded so that if you can’t show up live, you still have access to the lesson! We will have a group space where you can ask more questions and share your reflections throughout the week. All recorded practices and meditations will also be held in our online group platform. Every single thing you can think of is taken care of, so that you may simply step in and receive. 

We are calling forward thirteen women for this cohort. A special constellation of women who desire to create big, meaningful lives, and know that they need to connect with their sacred feminine essence to do so. This is for women from all walks of life, no matter your age, where you live, or your life experiences. You are welcome in our cohort, darling.

Our Priestess Path

Within you is a unique frequency, known as your pearlescent essence.

This is your supreme self frequency, the element of your soul that makes you feel powerful, beautiful, and utterly prosperous. This essence is innate, and only needs to be tended to in order to awaken and expand into your daily life ~

Our priestess path is designed to return you to the long forgotten regions of your Venusian, feminine power, and reclaim your rite to be a woman who is radiant, whole, & so full of her pearlescent essence that she overflows beauty into the world!

Way of the Rose

Gateway o1. The Beauty Way

How to walk the Priestess Path

Worship life as your greatest blessing

Knowing how to soak in the beauty of your own life exactly how it is, it is a skill to cultivate true prosperity in life. It is a Sacred Feminine Art to give and receive in right relationship with your desires. This is what we will be exploring ~

The intimate relationship between a woman’s beauty and her pleasure in life. In this gateway you will be repairing your innate connection to nature and restore unshakeable respect for your life.

+ The Sacred Feminine Art of Prayer +
+ Being the embodied lover +
+ Romanticizing life +

Gateway o2. The Pearlescent Essence

Women’s womb healing retreat

Clean feminine energy & self-sourcing your power

Deep in the core of your energetic body is a living pearl. Her radiance shines forth into everything do, yet for many women this light goes unseen. She requires tending in order for her clarity to glow out into the world ~

The supreme self frequency is what we will be discussing in this cohort call. You will learn about your tantric pearl in depth, as well as how to connect with it daily for sovereignty, personal power, and to create authentic allure in the world.

+ The Micro Cosmic Orbit Tantric Ritual +
+ Priestess Art’s of self purification +
+ Sovereignty Codes +

Gateway o3. Wet & Worthy

Sacred sexuality & Sensuality Teachings

Open the flood gates of your feminine eros through devotional self worship. Heal your relationship to your sex as a way to expand your capacity to be turned on in the bedroom & in your own life!

Why do so many women feel shame about their erotic nature and struggle with express what their body so deeply longs for? In this gateway we are healing sexual shame and repression. Libido, arousal, rolling orgasms, and sex magic will all be an apart of our discussion! 

+Map The Temple of your Sex +
+ Yoni Work vs Womb Work +
+ Sensual Dance +

Gateway o4. Inner Union

Healing your relationship to the masculine

This is by far the most profound work a woman can do because your relationship to the masculine defines your relationship to life as a whole. Feeling safe. Containment. Being provided for. All of this stems from your relationship to your inner man.

In this gateway we explore our capacity to receive in relationship to your masculine energy. We will create an inner mirage between your masculine and feminine energy, release karmic hooks with past lovers, and restructure your blueprint to love.

+ Breast Massage & De-Armoring +
+ Karmic Cleansing through The Womb +
+ Inner Mirage Ceremony +

Gateway o5. Priestess Prosperity

Feminine Fulfillment 

What keeps women from trusting their power to birth and create what they love in life? And how can reach satisfaction with who you are and where you are in life, and there for be in your power?

These are elements that we will explore in our final cohort call, and it will be completely centered around wealth, prosperity, and money. Working with the Sacred Feminine Art’s as your guide, you will catch a vision for your life, and ceremonially step into that season of your life. This is a call for alchemy and saying “yes” to what you want, and weaving the prayers to make it happen!

+ Money and Prosperity Magic +
+ The Womb as an Oracle +
+ Wealth Codes+

Explore the depths of your womanhood

My Priestess & The Pearl story…

Many, many moons ago I was struggling with my sense of self. My perception of my body was very unhealthy. I struggled to feel beautiful, to know my worth, and genuinely coexist in the world without feeling self conscious. As I began to heal my feminine and trauma held in my womb, I came to find how disconnected I was from my inner beauty. One day I was doing a meditation ritual with my inner Priestess, and she showed me this living Pearl inside my body. I was overcome with emotion as I connected with its inherent purity. She told me “this is where your beauty lives”. Since then I have been deepening my devotion to this Inner Pearl. Rather than outsourcing my sense of self worth and beauty, I connect with her and overflow that essence from within me, outside. This has dramatically changed my life, and I cannot wait to share these mystery teachings with you about Sacred Feminine Beauty!

The Priestess & The Pearl

5 Weeks of Deep, Luscious Sacred Feminine Art’s Trainings
July 19th – August 16th, 2024

“My feminine needed some softening and slowing down. Joining this immediately made me feel worthy, empowered, safe and excited to be alive! The meditation practice has been a huge source of regulation, peace and softening all over my body. To know I am Divine, but more so to embody that essence and magic has been so powerful.”
What is the Sacred Feminine?
Andrea Arditi
“I was not in touch with my femininity. I felt awkward about receiving, tapping into my sexuality. I didn’t feel beautiful. This course changed me. I’m experiencing more self love, self pleasure experiences are off the charts & I see them now as an opportunity to receive. My desires to aligned more with my actions. I am spending more time in the sacredness of prayer, I’m seeing different sides of me in pictures, feeling more supported by myself which feels absolutely fkin amazing !!
What is the Sacred Feminine?

All that you need to know…

Priestess & The Pearl is a five week cohort with live calls & a group online learning space

Each week we meet live to discuss our gateway topics at 3:30pm central standard time

You have countless opportunities to work intimately with Taraney & ask questions

All calls are recorded and saved for you to download with lifetime access

We have a Sisterhood Sanctuary for your to deepen with other women

What’s Included

  • x5 90-minute group Zoom calls where we will be do all the healing, womb work, embodiment practices, and Q+A time.
  • A daily Priestess & The Pearl guided mediation to do for the 40-days of our container
  • A Telegram group (it’s an app you download for free) where you will be able to ask Taraney questions throughout the 5 weeks. This gives you an additional 10-15 hours of teaching and healing with her.
  • Sacred Feminine Art’s trainings and teaching on sacred sexuality, inner union, money, & self power
  • Homework for between the weekly group calls.
  • Lifetime access to the 5 weekly cohort calls.
Option to add a 1:1 session for those of you who need additional support & bespoke healing with Taraney (USD $188 per session)
Sacred Feminine Mystery School
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