Creatrix Codes
Self Trust, Dream Big, Embody, Receive
Gateway I :: Maiden Codes
Our journey into the Creatrix Codes of our own being begins with the Maiden. We all have lived in her phase, and many of us still are. In this gateway, we will explore her mysteries & teachings as we invoke our inner Creatrix.
The Maiden Codes E-Book
Creatrix Keycode Activation I
This is our guided journey for your body to encode into a living temple for your sacred feminine energy.
Bonus Materials
Pillars of the Creatrix E-Book
Receptivity Meditation
Whats next?
Here we are love, at the end of gateway I
Now, I invite you to integrate + do the work we discussed in this module.
Share your thoughts + revelations in our group chat.
We will meet in our next Live ritual call to dig deeper!
Big Love,
Taraney Nicole