Spirit Medicine for the Otherworld
There is something special about Autumn as a season. For me, this season holds fruitful lessons of change, digging deep, and gathering forgiveness. Truthfully I used to dread this time of year.. the emotional element of autumn would guide me to places within myself that I easily push myself away from. Gladly I have chosen to approach this time of year as a blessing, after years of reflecting on the quantum leaps it has forced me to take in the past.
I have found that the best way to enjoy this season is to engage with it with a specific center of sensuality, so in honor of the burning desire I feel within to share what brings me joy in a season of uncovering repressed shadows, below are some healthy ways to come home to yourself and holistically welcome more joy into your life.
I am a firm believer that the key to holistically healing depression, stress, and even anxiety is holding space for yourself to do something fun, positive, and impactful. In a season where we often give much to others, here are three of my favorite herbs to give back to myself in the last weeks of Autumn.
Herbal Allies 
Herbs are quickly growing into my field of magical tools that I religiously work with to create natural healing within my mind, body, and spirit. Their ability to dive deep into the body to transmute stagnation, dis-ease, and depression are profound. Here are the herbs I have personally been working with this season to combat low times and stay resilient against any lethargy or illness.
Milky Oats
Milky Oats are a deep cooling herb that is perfect for this season. Its profound medicine carries a richness of serenity. I personally use this herb to regulate my stress levels and release anxiety from my nervous system. I love engaging with this herbal medicine through tincture form or in a tea. Three drop from its medicine quickly quiets my mind and offers me the blessing of slowing down and settling in.
Hawthorn Berries
Famously know as a divine symbol of the Otherworld in celtic and eastern European mysticism. Hawthorn has always been a portal into the veil between the physical and spiritual reality. Considering Autumn is a spacial time of the year where we are all intuitively guided to dig deeper into our connection with spirit, this herb is a magical ally. In times of confusion, heartbreak, and soul searching the berries of the Hawthorn tree will quickly give you the guidance you are longing for. You can get them in dried form from most herbal shops.
As a sensitive human, herbs are your best friend.
They are an affordable way to take care of yourself not only on a physical health level, but also an emotional and spiritual level. If you are interested in engaging with these allies, I invite you you check out our handmade elixirs! All three of these herbs are within are favorite apothecary products. My personal favorite for Autumn is the Balanced Being Elixir. None the less, play around with it in whichever way calls out to you, document your growth, and stay open to the transformation!
Big blessings,
Taraney Nicole